Corporate Identity – we design your business visibility and manifest your corporate
culture. We create websites, logotypes, et cetera.

IT communication solutions – we make your business more communicative. We
create computer solutions to improve flow of information across your organization.

E-PR – e-interactive public relations. We help you to communicate directly with the
audience without using mainstream channels. We make use of social networks,
blogging, search engines, e-amplifying and other internet tools.

Event marketing – we design a live themed activity or exhibit, just to increase your
product, service or organization recognition.

Media relations – we work with variety of medias. Using this way of communication
we inform the public about your business ideas, products, services. We work with
journals, magazines publishers, radios and televisions.

Sponsorship – we create a business connection between you and other individuals
or organizations in order to gain a two-way business exchange.

Advertising – we use creative tools such as ambient marketing to show your
potential in an original way.

Publishing – we connect you with publishers to transform your work into commercial
productions. We collaborate with journals, magazines, and publishing houses around
the Europe.

Print – we design concepts, and produce printed materials for your business.

Crisis Communications – when things go wrong, we help you respond to the audience,
business units, or individuals needs.

Skills training – we train your employees by teaching them specific segment of
communication skills.